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“Having been born and raised as a non-Sikh and imbued since early girlhood with society’s expectations of how a well-groomed woman should look, this acceptance requires frequent rejection of my previously-inculcated notions of femininity, in order to fully embrace a concept of inner and outer beauty that is in alignment with the Divine Will.

As I learn and grow as a Sikh, and find meaningful ways of being part of and serving the Panth, I try my best to keep in the forefront of my mind that my talents and accomplishments come through me, not from me: they are all manifestations of His Grace. I need to be ever-vigilant that my feelings of personal gratification never insidiously morph into smug and preachy self-righteousness…. And, speaking of gratification, although I know that becoming Amritdhari is a significant milestone along the Path but not its end or pinnacle…”

…I’m hoping the thoughts above will replace the ones in Questioning Myself.

The embargo has been lifted. Enjoy.

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